
Special needs require special solutions. NewTelco is a carrier-neutral service provider with a talent for creating special solutions to meet complex challenges. Many years of experience in designing, installing, configuring and optimizing high-performance telecommunication and next generation networks guarantee NewTelco customers qualified, project-oriented and comprehensive consulting services aligned to their business development targets in the IT and telecommunications sectors.

Our consulting services range from developing and optimising complex network designs, enhancing existing system technologies and colocation areas to planning and realising modern data centre infrastructures. Providing comprehensive consulting services to our customers on an ongoing basis also puts NewTelco in the unique position of being able to feed this knowledge straight into the development and improvement of innovative, custom-made services based on our existing product portfolio. This gives our customers that all-important competitive edge on the international market. NewTelco supports our customers at every step along the way: During the initial planning phase, throughout the actual project implementation and way beyond – whenever help is needed.